Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh how I missed you

I never realized how much I really do like blogging, that is until my employer decided that blog sites should be blocked. I have said before that my job is slow, sometimes we see as few as five customers in an eight hour day. I like my job, and I wish we were busier but we just aren't. I try to find busy work to do to keep myself occupied but there's only so much you can do at a bank in a mobile home. I know that going to work is about working, and trust me I know I am blessed to have a job but when you have done everything there is to do, then what do you do?? For me, I would blog or visit pinterest and now I can't! I am so upset.

I knew when I started that there would be no Facebooking from work, and I was fine with that because if I need to check it that bad it's on my phone. I usually only would check it though if I was tired of blogging or had nothing to blog about. If pinterest got boring, I would check Facebook. Now though, my phone stays dead because I have nothing else to do but be on Facebook.

No blog makes for very long work days, no pinterest makes for very long days at work. I guess I'm going to have to take my laptop and hope that Arby's WiFi works everyday, since Clayton Bank doesn't have WiFi! If not, I guess I will be forced to be okay.

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