Friday, September 9, 2011

Come on Knox County

Okay, so I'm going to climb atop my soapbox for a minute. I may fall off as I kick and scream and throw my tantrum but I am OVER IT!!!! You want to know what IT is, you say?? Let me show you...

I HATE HATE HATE school coupon books, and 23 years later I would think that Knox County would too. I can honestly say though that if EVERY school in the county didn't sell them, I may not be so loathsome of them.

I know every August/September, that I am going to have to deal with this travesty of a fundraiser so that my children can have pencils and tshirts and pizza parties.... and honestly, I am sick of it!

The school coupon book fundraiser got its start in 1989, and it continues today, its 23rd year. The coupon books have always been 10 dollars and though the coupon merchants get better, the coupons do not. The teachers (God love their hearts of gold) tell our children to tell us that  we can make back our money by using only a couple of the coupons in the books and that is also how we are supposed to market the books to other people! In all honesty, no one really wants to buy the coupon book, they do however want their child to be able to get the prizes and go to the parties. Ugh!

This year if you sell 7 coupon books at Halls Middle School, you get to go to the concert and apparently there is going to be a "celebrity"! The girls are both JACKED UP wanting to meet this celebrity, little do they know that A) it's either someone that is of no significance, and they won't even know their name yet the school will convince them that this person is a celebrity, even though they have never heard of them OR B) they will be a local "celebrity" that we could stroll down the street and meet any day! Either way though, its important that they sell 7 coupon books so they can go to this concert, they don't realize though that to go to the concert we would have to sell 14 books collectively. I don't see that happening! Not with everyone else in the county selling.

I really am tempted to email Knox County and ask if they can please come up with something else to do next year!! We parents are tired of buying 5, 7, 10 coupon books so our children can miss class and take time away from LEARNING to go to a party with all their friends. We just want to sell candy bars, who doesn't love candy bars. We can sell candy bars to family in other towns, or cities, or states even because candy bars are universal.... coupon books are NOT!! Please Knox County... get with the program!!


April said...

I totally agree! I can't stand the coupon book hoopla. It gets really bad when you have more than one child in elementary school. I've had 4 in at the same time before and I was expected to buy from each one. I remember when they used to sell candy bars...everyone loved those!

Michelle Ford said...

Yes, I know. People love the candy bars, I mean... who don't love candy. Coupon books however are nothing but hassle for us parents. I'm really over it, and I would love for Knox County to decide on something different!

Unknown said...

I am always astounded that there are kids out there that sell so many.

I would buy 1 from each kid..anything above that was up to them.

If they sold candy bars, I would definitely be good to buy at least 10 a about one every day of the year.

What really sucks is that we have to do it in the first place. It's called taxes..they should pay for what the schools need.

I do HATE how they incentivize the kids...they should incentivize the parents so that we don't have to be upset that our schools are actually pimping out the kids.

Unknown said...

But do be happy. The coupon books in Utah are $25 a pop. Ouch.

Michelle Ford said...

We pretty much do the same, we buy one a piece then anymore is their business. I actually LOLd at your comment, because you are so funny, I never though of it that way but I guess they are pumping our kids out, the crappier part of that is, we don't get the money. We give birth then send them out for all this free education, not realizing we are sending them right into the arms of the pimps! They are the worst kind too, they are the unseeming ones, they don't look like pimps. Lol. I have seem the $25 coupon books, I would not buy one of those!