Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you....

.... When the world stopped turning that September day?.... an amazing song, penned and vocalized by Alan Jackson.

Photo Courtesy

It was a wildly popular song released in November of 2001 in response to the tragedy known as 9-11. There were many songs written about the tragedy in this time, but to me this one is the most profound. This is not a kick their a$$ kind of song, its not a politically driven song.... its a song of remembrance, and at that time we needed something like this!

This Sunday will be the 10th anniversary of this horrible tragedy, and its very evident everywhere you look. Every channel you flip to is doing a story, and the songs begin to replay and a mixture of emotions well up in me. A few words that come to mind when I think of the 10 years since the tragedy are:


"Did you burst out in pride
For the red white and blue
The heroes who died just doing what they do
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
And look at yourself to what really matters"

I don't know how many do, I would hope everyone but I remember that day.

18 years old with a baby girl turning ONE in two days. I know that no matter what, I would remember the tragedy of 9/11 but being where I was that day, with who I was with makes it even more memorable for me. At this time in my life I was living with my aunt Tammy. She was gracious enough to take Adriana, Jeremy and I in when no one else would. There was a little building on the property where she lived, she and her husband helped us build a little house out of it. Adriana had a little bedroom, Jeremy and I did and our closet and there was a living room. If we needed to use the bathroom or wanted to eat we had to walk to their house to do so.

On September 11, 2001 we woke up about 8:45 or 8:50 and we were hungry and so was our little girl. We walked up to the house to find Tammy on the couch with silent tears rolling down her cheeks, and wondering what was going on. She began to tell us that one of the towers had been hit and that many had lost their lives. I sat down beside her to watch the news coverage on WBIR, as they had broken into whatever show she had been watching. No sooner than I sat down, Adriana on my lap the second plane struck the 2nd tower and we were dumbfounded.

In that moment there was no catching your breath, there were no words. Only an empty gaping hole for those who you know have lost their lives and for those who just lost their family member and the steep realization that America was most definitely under attack.

When the first plane hit, we thought maybe it was a mistake, maybe a heart attack or stroke.... maybe the pilot had simply lost control. When the second plane hit though, we knew there was no way it was a mistake. It was very dilberate and we were vulnerable, our walls and defenses were down and we had been attacked.

That day, much to the chagrin of the democrats of America, George W. Bush became a Wartime President. He had to make the split second decision for all of us, would we fold under the evil that had just attacked our great country or would we stand and fight? Although no one wants to go to war, we couldn't stand by as a nation, a nation of free will and fighting for what we believe in, and watch as they took us down one by one. There was no giving in, we had to fight and on March 20, 2003 Operation Iraqi Freedom began. Unfortunately 8 years later our troops are still there, we are still fighting for our freedoms and for the freedoms of those who didn't ask for any of this to happen. Threats and fears are always looming, but United we stand.... Divided we fall.

We have been a very divided country since 2008. We united in 2001, we banded together in 2003, and we started to fall apart in 2008.... Hopefully in 2012, we will rid ourselves of the issue that divides our country and we will be able to stand together as one nation UNDER GOD again, until then I will be praying that we can stay safe and that we can take care of our country!

"Where were you when the world stopped turning, that September day?"

{Started this blog September 6, 2011... couldn't focus to finish til today September 11, 2011.... God Bless America, my HOME sweet HOME. We will never forget!}

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