Yesterday was the Calvins viewing and service, and everything was beautiful. There was a video on the big screen, with beautiful music in the background... some old hymns along with some of todays soft music and one of Cal's favorite songs. I think he would have been very proud. After everyone had been up to say their goodbyes, the guys that worked for the funeral home came up and closed the casket and the family came in. A song was sang by his "sister" (said loosely because of the way they have been to him for the whole of his life) followed by a few words from the preacher of the church where the funeral was being held, First Baptist Church of White Pine.
After the preacher spoke, Alan Hale a long time friend of Becky's sang a beautiful version of "Bellulah Land". I believe the whole room was moved to tears. Then a preacher that lives across the street from Becky spoke, followed by another song from Alan called "God On the Mountain". After that there was a beautiful reading from his sister Amber, then another prayer and then the family got up to leave. They rolled Calvin out to the hearst and it was time to go.
I will only give his "mother" THIS amount of attention: The biotch is PSYCHO and she better be glad we were at a church, because I almost lost my religion AT the church, I'm sure I would have at the funeral home.... I had to get it off my chest, and now I am done!
Today was HOT, there was no breeze to be found. We met at the cemetary and when everyone arrived, the pallbearers got the casket out and carried Calvin's earthly body to its final resting place. We followed behind him, surrounded by family and friends and the arms of our Lord, knowing that his spirit was already home. We listened as the preacher talked, he rejoiced and he grieved along with the rest of us. He knew our pain and he knew just what to say to touch our hearts. I am in awe of the power of our Lord, and I am amazed at the work that he does through his earthly sons and daughters. I am so blessed that I can say that I have had the Lord in my heart for such a long time and learning to grow in Him is amazing!
I've also been blessed to be in this family, and share in Calvin's growing. A couple years ago Becky decided she would take an extended weekend and go to the beach, she wanted to take her babies with her, so she did. She took Calvin, Barb and Drew and Adriana. She told me if I wanted to I could come up after work and stay there with them, so I did. I left after work on a Friday night and headed to Myrtle Beach all by myself. Today I thank God that he gave me the means to do that. I am so thankful for those days that I spent there with them, the time we got to spend with Calvin. Here is a picture from that trip:
I was very blessed to have this experience with him and even more blessed to know him. Thank you Lord.
So, now that the long drive to the beach will begin in about 14 hours, I will tell you once again that I am so READY for this trip. I know the drive is long and it will be so hot, but its times like these that you find the moments that take your breath away.

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