Day 23 - A
picture of your favorite book.
I hated reading, until this book. I've always loved to write, but I never loved to read and write about what I read, until this book. As a freshman in high school I had the most amazing teacher ever, Mrs. Sherry Webber. This woman changed my life, she didn't keep me from making mistakes but she showed me what a real teacher was supposed to be. I will never ever forget her, and the impact she made on my life.
She loved this book and it became one of the ones we had to read and discuss daily. She only wanted us to read the chapters assigned, but when I picked it up something magical happened, I didn't want to put it down. I got almost a perfect score on this book and still have the work we had to do. I would encourage every child to read this book and know the significance of it.
I bought a copy of it recently, and I have started reading it again. With so much going on I haven't gotten very far. Reading is a lot more difficult as an adult. I am hoping that I can sit down with the girls and we can share this amazing book together. I'm hoping that by the time they get in high school that Mrs. Webber will still be teaching and they will be blessed to have her, and maybe she can change their lives the way she did mine!
This is my favorite book of all time. I recently re-read it and it was even better as an adult.
I can't wait to get to reading it. I read the first chapter again, but I didn't get any further. Too much going on. I will get to it though. I'm excited!
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