Day 9 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
I have been beyond blessed to have so many many people in my life who have loved and supported me! I have so much family and so many wonderful friends, and they have all been amazing. I couldn't habe been more blessed in life. Sometimes in life though, through the progression of time and circumstance we meet people who start out as friends, but end up being family. I have been blessed enough to have that happen to me. I can't say that this friendship evolved quickly, but I'm glad it did.

This is Ashley, and she is my BFF, my bestfriend who has become my sister. Not biological or by marriage, but definitely spiritual. We have been through a lot together and a lot separate but through everything we have been there for each other. She has been the one who I could tell my secrets to and I knew I wouldn't be judged or ridiculed in any way. For about 17 years we have had each other's backs. Her family has been mine, and mine hers and we have shared so much. So much so that we had our daughters two months to the day apart. Adriana was born September 13, 2000 and her daughter Lexi was born November 13, 2000 and turns out they actually are cousins, somewhere down the line.

I can't say that everything has been peaches in our friendship, I mean we are both women and we are both stubborn. We started out in 4th grade as mortal enemies, thanks to a lovely girl whose name will not be mentioned here. She was most definitely an instagator of the hatred we had for each other, as a matter of fact she was the root of our hatred for each other. She was my next door neighbor through most of elementary school, and finally around the end of elementary maybe beginning of middle school she moved. She still went to school with us but she wasn't around us at the bus stops and she wasn't there to plant the little bugs she had planted for so long before that and slowly Ashley and I started talking, and the talking lead to an apology for all the bad things we had said and done to each other. We decided that each of us wasn't as bad as the other thought!

From 6th grade on, we were pretty inseparable. We lived within walking distance of each other and we were together all the time. We made it through middle school without killing each other, but high school was a little more difficult. We had to struggle to keep it together, and we fought hard. Now almost 20 years later, she is still the one I depend on and I hope she knows that she can depend on me as well. We have grown up now, we have had relationships and babies, and our babies are quickly becoming young women. I know that in the upcoming years I will need her just as much as I always have. She will be the one who grounds me when my teenager has me up in the air about something. I am hoping that I can do the same for her. I am hoping that we can continue to lean on each other, and learning new things together. She means the world to me and I am beyond blessed to have her not only as my friend, but also as my sister!
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