Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 24

In the spirit of trying to get myself back on track, although I really don't see it happening this week, I am going to pick up where I left off on my countdown. Honestly, I fell behind a little on these because some of them are hard, and this one is no exception. There is so much in this world and in my life that I wish I could change, more so in the world surrounding me though! It's hard to pick just one, as I am so passionate about the things that go on around me. I did my best though, and hope that now I can stay on track and get back to being myself!

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.

Being such a passionate person, I find it hard to narrow it down to just one thing that I would change if I could. There is so much evil in the world and if I could single handedly take away all the evil in the world, I wouldn't take another breath until it was done! 

I live in a very large and busy city. Knoxville is a bustling city with vacant apartment buildings and houses everywhere. On one of our busiest streets, Broadway is where most of Knoxville's homeless population congregates. The interstate runs over Broadway and makes a "good" place for the homeless since the bridge area is so large. There is also a Salvation Army located right there, almost under the bridge.

When I say a "good" place for them, I don't mean that literally. There is no good place for a homeless person except a HOME! There is not one time that I drive down Broadway and don't cry. It breaks my heart to see them there, and it doesn't just have to be in the cold of winter.

I wish there was something I could do. I wish I could make life better for all those people who can't seem to make it better for themselves. It's the saddest of situations, and I've come to see that all I can do is pray for those people. 

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