Day two is dedicated to a picture of the person that you are closest to. As easy as this is for me, it's also hard. When I saw this topic, one person came to mind immediately and that's the picture that I am going to stick with. Honestly though I am close to a lot of people, so as much as I could put a picture of Adriana or Ron, my brother or cousins, or my Nanny I'm not going to. I'm using a picture of the person that has made the most impact on me and the one that I truly feel I am the closest to...

This woman could quite possibly be the only ANGEL here on Earth! I know that other's will beg to differ, but they will be wrong. A few months back we were studying The Beattitudes in Bible School and she fits one to the bill....
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God."
Brenda is my grandmother, though not biological she is most definitely the person I am closest to! This woman is beyond amazing and no words that I could ever say about her could amount to even a partial repayment of the things she has done for me. When I was 3, as my loyal readers will know, I moved in with my mom's boyfriends parents The Bakers. Johnnie and Brenda Baker had three children of their own, all grown by the time I came around. Tammy is their oldest daughter and she was married to Brad. Then Pam, their middle daughter who wasn't married at the time. Finally there was Duane who eventually married my mom, he was the baby.
I'm really glad that Duane and my mom met and eventually married. If they hadn't I wouldn't have had this amazing woman in my life. My mamaw is one of a kind, and she has a heart of gold. She doesn't like drama and she will do anything to keep peace in her life and the lives of her loved ones. She took me in at 3, and even though I was in no way biologically linked to her I would have never known it. I was more like her daughter than her step granddaughter, and then when my brother came along she eventually had to make the choice to raise him as well. She houses anyone who needs a room and feeds everyone who needs to eat even if it's her last morsel. She tries her best at everything and she gives way more than she gets. She loves everyone, and if she doesn't love you she will try her best to make you lovable. She is the most tender hearted soul I have ever known and I am so glad to call her my grandmother!! I am so blessed!
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