{Sunday's post}
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
This isn't the best picture, but it's one that displays what I love the most in this world. This is only a small portion of my family. I know it's hard to believe, but everyone in my family isn't in this picture. This was Christmas 2009 at my aunt Pam's house, and although it looks like all of our family is shoved in this one room, they aren't. There are actually a few missing, and believe it or not this is only one side of my family. These are the people that mean the most to me. These are the people who chose to be in my life, they picked me to be their daughter, granddaughter, and niece. They could have turned me away but they didn't and they never have. No matter what decisions I've made in my life they have been right by my side, and that to me is the definition of family. Blood is just that, blood but in the grand scheme of things blood is nothing. Family is who you make, the ones that mean the most in your life and I am beyond blessed that these people and more chose me! This is what I love!
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