Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why Monday, why?

Why is it that Monday can't be avoided?

The weekend is going so great and Saturday is such a happy day. You wake up knowing (in most cases) that you have your full weekend ahead. 2 days to do whatever, 48 hours of 'no work' bliss. Then before you know it, you are in bed on Saturday night, and you get a little discouraged. Sunday comes and you realize that you have a whole other day to relax or clean or whatever needs to be done. Get up, go to church, come home and do whatever needs to be done.

Unfortunately, just as the day before, night falls and the next thing you know you are in bed dreading Monday. Its inevitable, it's going to come and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It mocks you in the night as you are trying to sleep, waking you every hour. Then the sun comes up, and if you don't have to deal with it daily, you most definitely will have to deal with Murphy's Law today!

For those who don't know, Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". And I've figured out, that when Monday finds me the old adage rings all too true! It usually starts way too early with Ron's phone ringing, work telling him to come in way too early meaning that I will have to get up and take the girls to school and then make it to work by eight o'clock. Then I get out of bed and can find nothing to wear because I hate my whole wardrobe, or is it my body that I hate?? Yeah, I think that's it. Then its yelling at the kids to hurry and get ready and let's go, since they have been up for over an hour. Drive to work side by side with all the other idiot who didn't get up in time to put their makeup on at home, or eat at home, so they have chosen to do it in their car and put others in danger.

Now, there are weeks such as next week where Monday will be spent at home with the family. Ahh, a day off, spending a holiday with the fam.... but don't you worry, just because you are home on Monday doesn't mean it won't still catch up with you. When you wake up on Tuesday to get ready for work, you will find that Tuesday has confused its self with Monday and you again will have to suffer through a day with Murphy. Hopefully your Wednesday will find you in better spirits though and the rest of the week will breeze by, til home time on Friday finds you again!

Happy Monday!

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